A downloadable horror mega-scenario

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Children are being kidnapped, and their parents slaughtered. One man is being driven mad by their screams.

This problem will lead the investigators to dangerous liminal spaces, other worlds, and eventually to a starship 8000 years in the future. Only there can the problem be stopped.

The whole time, they will be racing against a timetable set by the eldritch intelligence behind the Faceless...

Content warnings for this mystery: Alcohol and Nicotine Addiction, Harm to Children, Child Abuse, Snuff Films, Suicide, Torture, Maggots, Gore, Body Horror and Eugenics.

The Facilitator should feel free to modify this scenario in any way they see fit to make it work better at the table, and to make their players comfortable.


This mystery is sort of Queen of the Demonweb Pits by way of creepypasta, Metamorphosis Alpha, and Batman: Night Cries

It is for both Liminal Horror and Soulless Children, which have compatible rulesets.

It includes:

  • 173 half-size pages!
  • Two keyed areas (Merlin Gate and Washington, DC), as well as a pointcrawl (Sector QU33) and a highly detailed Voidcrawl (the Backrooms)
  • Three arenas of play (DC, the Backrooms, and the Merlin) and factions that span multiple arenas
  • Detailed NPCs for each arena, including cyborgs, psychic commandos, and a guy who owns a laundromat
  • Nine creepy entities that haunt the Backrooms (Faceless, Man's Best Dog, Rawhides, Smilers...)
  • Four sub-varieties of the Faceless (can't get enough of the Faceless)
  • Three different Fallout tables, one for each arena... The DC table has a psychic flavor, while the Backrooms and the Merlin each have different sorts of body horror
  • Rules to create characters linked directly to the plot
  • Five appendixes, including Appendix L: Lore with enough unnecessary additional details to satisfy JRR Tolkien's most prolific imitators
  • Some truly amazing and creepy art! Plus some fun public domain art as well!
  • An extremely strange mega-adventure, did we mention that part?


20X4 Madstones
Backrooms creepypasta*
Batman: Night Cries*
The Commodore 64
Goblin Punch's Axis Mundi Setting*
Hellstrom's Hive
Layers of Unreality
Metamorphosis Alpha*
Peter Pan
Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits*
World of Horror

*Major influence 





QU33 is an independent production by Kirt A. Dankmyer / Ivanhoe Unbound and is not affiliated with Goblin Archives LLC. It is published under the Liminal Horror Third Party License.

Images on the cover, p. 22 (flipped to face left), p. 48 (cropped), and p. 89 are by Jean Verne and used under a CC-BY-4.0 license.

DC Neighborhood Map by Peterfitzgerald, used under CC-BY-3.0 license. Obviously, I added numbers to it and sliced it up.

Merlin Gate map was created by me, Kirt A. Dankmyer, using playscii, and may be used under a CC-BY-4.0 license.

Merlin Pointcrawl maps were created by me, Kirt A. Dankmyer, and may be used under a CC-BY-4.0 license. 

Some images (p. 6 stretched, p. 64, and p. 65 rotated) are courtesy of Audrey Stolze, licensed under CC-BY-4.0. I made all the art grayscale.

Image on p. 75 (rotated, grayscale) is by NeonRot and used under a CC-BY-4.0 license.

The image on p. 53 (and used as a background on this page) is by Lorc and is used under a CC-BY-3.0 license.

Art on p. 114 is by BEEPLE, used under a CC-BY-4.0 license. I made it grayscale and adjusted the brightness.

Daughter image in Appendix C and elongated hand image in Appendix F are by Ezakur, used under a CC-BY-4.0 license.

Any image not mentioned so far (other than the Liminal Horror compatibility logo) is from the public domain. I used a lot of different stock art sites for the free art; if you think something I've got here is either not public domain or is actually AI art, please let me know. (Though something may have slipped by, I filtered out AI art both programmatically and with my eye.)

Liminal Horror is copyright by Goblin Archives LLC

Updated 1 day ago
Published 14 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tagsbackrooms, cyborgs, demonweb, faceless, Horror, liminal-horror, Mystery, Sci-fi, Surreal, twisted-classic


Buy Now$13.00 USD or more

In order to download this horror mega-scenario you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $13 USD. You will get access to the following files:

DC_neighborhoods_map_high_res_numbers.png 5.9 MB
DC_neighborhoods_map_high_res_numbers_slice_1.png 3.4 MB
DC_neighborhoods_map_high_res_numbers_slice_2.png 416 kB
DC_neighborhoods_map_high_res_numbers_slice_3.png 95 kB
DC_neighborhoods_map_high_res_numbers_slice_4.png 368 kB
DC_neighborhoods_map_high_res_numbers_slice_5.png 216 kB
Merlin-simple.png 29 kB
Merlin-map.png 69 kB
merlin_gate.png 1.4 MB
QU33-cover.png 5.7 MB
mary_is_talking.png 2 MB
QU33_1.1.1.pdf 56 MB
QU33_1.1.1.txt 241 kB

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super excited to run this!

If you get a chance, definitely let me know how it goes!