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That's a pretty cool concept! Cryptid under cover: that's great!!

I may will worship them to


I love this creature design! I am not sure if is intentional, but you have made a MOSAIC designed creature. 

MOSAIC stands for:

Modular - Optional - Short - Attested - Independent -Coreless

You can find more about MOSAIC here, not my creation but its an interesting method of making modular game supplements.

(1 edit)

I've been meaning to make a MOSAIC strict thing or two for a while now. I don't think it's currently MOSAIC strict because it's not Attested... I haven't said it's MOSAIC strict in the game text. 

But you're right, it does otherwise qualify. I should see if I can find someplace on the card to do the "Attesting".

Okay, now it's MOSAIC strict.


Wow, I was not expecting this update! Such a cool addition to the MOSAIC format! 

Definitely looking forward to seeing more TTRPG designs from you.